5 Reasons Why the Internet of Things is Ready for Prime Time

This year’s CES clearly ushered in the era of the Internet of things (IOT). There was an overwhelming...

This year’s CES clearly ushered in the era of the Internet of things (IOT). There was an overwhelming display of products and services based on this technology and the audience response was positive and encouraging. Internet of things is the new buzzword among IT companies, media circles, and technology enthusiasts. Everyone is excited to see the future of Internet of things; and rightly so. We believe that IOT solutions are well and truly ready for prime time. Here are 5 reasons that justify our claim.

Platform Support

Many companies have developed platforms that support IOT-based solutions. They are building in the software support at the OS level and also developing specialized tools for developers. Thankfully, many of these companies are taking an ‘open’ approach by allowing multi-brand devices to work together using their mediums.

Hardware Innovations

Any technology is as good as the hardware that supports it. Thanks to the extensive R&D budgets of big companies and the enterprising efforts of new age manufactures, we are seeing an array of IOT-supported products in the market and even the 3D printer that allows for completely customized, yet economical, hardware production.

Technology Improvements

In addition to hardware, software technologies are also maturing to reach maximum potential. Wi-fi access and speed are improving every day. Add to that other connectivity tools like low energy Bluetooth, and your IOT systems will always be on. Another major benefit for IOT is the advent of sophisticated voice control technologies. It promises to make managing systems extremely easy.

Developers Community

So we have all the tools to implement the Internet of things, but what good are they if there is no one to leverage them? IOT development faced the expected roadblocks of knowledge and confidence initially, but today the community is in full swing. Developers are hard at work to find innovative applications of IOT and the best thing for them is that Internet of things, by its very nature, can work in endless combinations.


NEST thermostat (now owned by Google) was the first sign of consumer acceptance of IOT-based products. Its success was replicated by many other products and services. And this was before the media and experts had given their blessings to the technology. It’s not hard to estimate the anticipation of people who are eagerly waiting to see the Internet of things launch full time. So now you know why the whole tech world is predicting 2015 as the year of Internet of things. Everything is falling into place for this exciting technology and there is no reason why it shouldn’t live up to the hype.